Fiction Friday
We are a family of readers. Our wallpaper is effectively overstuffed bookshelves covering every topic known to man. (That is, perhaps, an exaggeration. In a fit of frustration, I did put my foot down...
View ArticleFiction Friday: The Book Thief
I have to resist the urge to just say “OMFG go read this book!!!!” ten times. This book was so good it reduces me to adolescent squeals of excitement when I usually talk about it. Seriously, The Book...
View ArticleFiction Friday: Galápagos
I am not going to gush heavily over Galápagos by Kurt Vonnegut. It was a pretty good book and a generally good story but it wasn’t fantastic. I am not sure if it was because I expected too much. I...
View ArticleFiction Friday: Hero
This is a book I probably would have never heard of except that it caused outrage in a class I eventually took myself in college. Hero* by Perry Moore is another book in the YA genre. Hero centers...
View ArticleFiction Friday: The Necromancer Chronicles
The following is a guest post Fiction Friday review by Dali DeLancey, aka Dalillama. Dali is a regular commenter over at SNR. She offered to review a trilogy written by an author who has a grasp on...
View ArticleFiction Friday: Where the Wild Things Are
Often our legacy chooses us. The parts that others choose to remember most rarely reflect the moments we want to remain etched in public opinion. So is the case of one of the greatest children’s book...
View ArticleFiction Friday: What Happened to Cass McBride
Well I was hoping to read more over vacation but I ended up swimming and catching up with my friends so I can’t do this Fiction Friday on the book I wanted (worst thing in the world, I know). I didn’t...
View ArticleFiction Friday: Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book
This Fiction Friday is a stray from the normal review of YA and Adult fiction. Primarily because I didn’t have a lot of books in my store that didn’t involve making the reader cry. This is good stuff...
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